Roof Inspection

7 things you can do to prepare your roof for storm season

Your home is full of comfort, laughter, and precious moments. But, storm season can be tough. The sun gets too hot, the wind is loud, and rain hits your roof hard. In these times, you see how important it is to protect your home.

Think about feeling safe no matter the storm, because your roof is ready. With some simple steps today, your roof will be set for storm season. This means your home, family, and memories are safe.

Key Takeaways:

  • Get a professional roof inspection before storm season.
  • Clear your gutters and downspouts of debris.
  • Regularly remove debris from your roof.
  • Trim tree limbs and branches near your roof.
  • Inspect large trees for signs of weakness or disease.
Roof Inspection

Get an Inspection

Schedule a professional roof inspection before storm season. This ensures your roof is ready for storms. An inspection can spot problems like missing shingles or cracked tiles.

Fixing these problems before a storm can prevent more damage. It helps to avoid leaks when bad weather strikes.

Need a roof inspection?

A roof inspection is never a bad thing. But it’s essential when storm season is around the corner. Long time since your last roof inspection? We’ll be happy to take a look at it and check how you can be as prepared as possible for storm season. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts

To make sure your roof is ready for storms, clean your gutters and downspouts. This helps water flow off your roof. It also stops leaks and damage.

Gutters full of leaves can cause water to back up. When water overflows, it might leak into your home. This can harm your house, cause mold, and lead to expensive fixes. Clean your gutters to avoid these problems.

While cleaning, check if anything is loose. Fix any parts that might come off in a storm. This keeps your gutters working even when it’s windy.

Looking after your gutters is key to protecting your roof from storms. Clean them often, especially before storm season. This lets water run smoothly and keeps your roof safe.

Remove Debris

Keeping your roof clean is key to a storm-ready roof. Debris can block gutters and keep moisture. This moisture can cause mold and rot. It’s good to clear debris every three months, especially before storms.

Removing roof debris helps prevent gutter clogs. It ensures water flows well during rains. This lowers the risk of leaks and water damage. Also, removing debris stops moisture buildup, which can hurt the roof over time.

Keeping your roof free of debris is vital for storm prep. A clean roof can handle bad weather better and avoid damage.

Start by looking for big branches, twigs, or leaves on your roof. Remove these items carefully to avoid damaging the roof. Use a broom or soft brush for small debris. Make sure to clean every part of the roof well.

Always put your safety first when cleaning the roof. If the roof is too steep or you’re unsure, hire a pro. They have the right tools and know-how to clean your roof safely.

Trim Trees

Getting your roof ready for storm season means cutting back branches close to your roof. Branches can hit your roof when the wind blows hard. This can lift shingles and cause big damage.

It’s important to regularly cut trees. This stops branches from falling and keeps leaves off your roof. Dead or big branches that fall can really hurt your roof.

Why Tree Trimming Matters

Trimming trees is key for getting your roof ready for storms. It:

  1. Lowers the chance of branches falling on your roof and causing harm.
  2. Keeps leaves and twigs from piling up on your roof, which can block gutters and create water damage.
  3. Makes sure air moves well around your roof. This helps it dry faster and stops mold.
  4. Makes your property look nice by keeping trees neat.

Cutting trees regularly helps avoid branches falling and leaves building up on your roof.

When you need to trim trees near your roof, you should call an expert. A professional arborist knows how to do this without hurting your roof or the tree.

Doing things like tree trimming before storms can help keep your roof safe. So, don’t forget about tree care when you get ready for storm season.

Check Large Trees for Age and Weakness

Before storm season, look at the big trees close to your house. Check them for weak spots or sickness. Trees that look unhealthy may break or fall over when it’s windy.

“Trees make our yards beautiful but can be dangerous to our roofs if not taken care of,” says Mark Johnson, a tree expert. “It’s very important to check the trees near your house often. This helps avoid roof damage when storms come.”

When trees lean, it could mean their roots aren’t strong. This could hurt your roof. If trees are leaning, they might need to be taken down before the storm season.

Proactive Measures for Tree Care

Looking after your trees can keep them healthy and strong. Here are some tips to get your trees ready for storms:

  1. Prune regularly: Cut tree limbs and branches that are too close to your roof. This can stop them from damaging your roof in strong winds. Dead limbs or big branches can really hurt your roof if they fall off.
  2. Water and fertilize appropriately: Giving trees enough water and food helps them stay healthy and strong against storms.
  3. Consult a professional: If you’re not sure about a tree’s health or safety, talk to a tree expert. They can check the tree and tell you what to do.

By caring for the trees near your house now, you can keep your roof safe during hurricane season. Taking care of your trees is as important as other tips for getting your roof ready for storms. It keeps your roof safe and gives you peace of mind when bad weather hits.

Prevent Ice Dams

During winter storms, ice dams might form on your roof. These can cause water leakage and harm. To protect your home’s roof, think about installing an ice and water shield.

This fully-adhered roof underlayment offers extra protection. It sticks securely to your roof. Other materials might shift or blow away in strong winds, or under snow and ice. But this shield stays in place.

Buy Some Tarps

Buying tarps before storm season is key. They protect your roof from bad weather. Tarps help keep your home safe until you can fix things for good.

Tarps are a must-have after a storm. If you buy them early, you’re ready for quick fixes. This way, you avoid leaks and more roof damage as you wait for help.

Tarps are both useful and simple to use. They’re made to be waterproof and tough. Tarps shield your roof from rain, wind, and more. They stop water from coming in and hurting your house.

When choosing tarps, think about size and material. Pick tarps big and strong enough for your needs. Features like reinforced corners and grommets help secure them. UV-resistant materials make them last longer.

But, tarps are just a short-term fix. They can’t replace getting your roof fixed by pros. Still, they’re great for keeping your roof safe from storms. With tarps ready, you protect your roof from major trouble.

Secure or Store Loose Items Around Your House

Getting your home ready for storms means looking at risks from loose items. Make sure to secure or store things like outdoor furniture and lawn decorations. This stops them from being thrown around by strong winds.

These flying objects can harm not only people but your roof too. They might even make your roof less stable.

If you live where hurricanes or tornadoes happen, be extra careful. Flying debris can break windows and cause dangerous air pressure changes inside. By keeping things secure or stored, you lower the storm risks for your home and roof.


By following these storm-ready roofing tips, your roof will be ready for storm season. These proactive steps will minimize damage. Thus, your home stays safe during severe weather.

It’s also key to check your insurance policy and save important numbers in your phone. Having a plan for claims and repairs brings peace of mind.

Remember, keeping your roof safe is all about maintenance and preparation. With these steps, you know your roof can handle any storm.

FAQ about how to prepare your roof for storm season

Why is it important to get a professional roof inspection before storm season?

Getting your roof checked by a pro can spot issues early. This prevents bigger problems during storms. It helps avoid leaks and damage when bad weather hits.

What should I do to ensure proper water flow off my roof?

Keep gutters and downspouts clean of leaves and debris. This stops water from backing up. It avoids leaks and keeps your home safe.

Why is it important to regularly remove debris from my roof?

Cleaning your roof regularly stops gutters from clogging. It also keeps away moisture and prevents damage. This way, your roof stays in great shape.

Why should I trim tree limbs and branches near my roof?

Trees near your roof can be risky in strong winds. Cutting them back reduces falling branch dangers. It also stops leaves from piling up on your roof.

How can I check if the large trees near my home are healthy?

Look for signs like odd leaves, missing bark, or dead branches. Trees leaning may have weak roots. Fix or cut these trees before storms to avoid roof harm.

How can I prevent ice dams from forming on my roof?

Using an ice and water shield helps. It’s a secure layer that sticks to your roof. It stays in place against strong winds and heavy snow or ice.

Why should I buy tarps before storm season?

Tarps let you quickly cover roof damage after a storm. This stops more harm and keeps your home safe. Since tarps sell out fast post-storm, get them early.

Why should I secure or store loose items around my house during a storm?

Locking down or putting away things outside stops them from flying in wind. Flying objects can hurt your roof and make it weak.

Need a roof inspection?

A roof inspection is never a bad thing. But it’s essential when storm season is around the corner. Long time since your last roof inspection? We’ll be happy to take a look at it and check how you can be as prepared as possible for storm season. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.